A Guide to Everyone's Favorite Pork Product: What is Bacon?
One of the most popular foods in many different cultures and cuisines is bacon. For centuries, this savory and salty pork product has been a breakfast mainstay, appearing in a variety of dishes such as salads, sandwiches, and pizza. But let's find out: what is bacon really like, and how is it made?
A Synopsis of Bacon's History. Though the exact origin of bacon is unknown, the process of curing pork belly has been around for thousands of years. As early as 1500 BC, the Chinese were curing their pig bellies, and the Romans contributed to the expansion of bacon production throughout Europe. One of the first meats imported to the Americas by European settlers, bacon gained popularity in England in the 1500s.
There are several Germanic and French dialects that give rise to the term "bacon.". English "bacoun" eventually evolved from Old High German "bakkon.". It's obvious that bacon has long been adored everywhere!
What Makes Bacon? Traditionally, bacon is made from the fatty underside of pigs, known as the pork belly, which contains a mixture of fat and meat that varies in color. Side, back, and pork loin cuts are the sources of additional bacon cuts. Instead of using pork, turkey or chicken bacon uses cuts from the birds.
Using salt, nitrates, nitrites, and occasionally sugar or maple syrup, the pork belly is cured, preserved, and flavored. After that, it is gently smoked over low heat for several days over a wood fire. This cooks the bacon and adds enticing smoky notes. It's finally cut into slices and packaged for all of our bacon-loving delights!
Many Bacon types. These are some of the most popular types of bacon; not all bacons are made equal. Streaky bacon is made from pork belly with long fat veins. This is the most popular bacon prepared "American-style.".
Back bacon is made from the pig's loin in the back. Compared to streaky bacon, it is leaner.
One of the most popular foods in many different cultures and cuisines is bacon. For centuries, this savory and salty pork product has been a breakfast mainstay, appearing in a variety of dishes such as salads, sandwiches, and pizza. But let's find out: what is bacon really like, and how is it made?
A Synopsis of Bacon's History. Though the exact origin of bacon is unknown, the process of curing pork belly has been around for thousands of years. As early as 1500 BC, the Chinese were curing their pig bellies, and the Romans contributed to the expansion of bacon production throughout Europe. One of the first meats imported to the Americas by European settlers, bacon gained popularity in England in the 1500s.
There are several Germanic and French dialects that give rise to the term "bacon.". English "bacoun" eventually evolved from Old High German "bakkon.". It's obvious that bacon has long been adored everywhere!
What Makes Bacon? Traditionally, bacon is made from the fatty underside of pigs, known as the pork belly, which contains a mixture of fat and meat that varies in color. Side, back, and pork loin cuts are the sources of additional bacon cuts. Instead of using pork, turkey or chicken bacon uses cuts from the birds.
Using salt, nitrates, nitrites, and occasionally sugar or maple syrup, the pork belly is cured, preserved, and flavored. After that, it is gently smoked over low heat for several days over a wood fire. This cooks the bacon and adds enticing smoky notes. It's finally cut into slices and packaged for all of our bacon-loving delights!
Many Bacon types. These are some of the most popular types of bacon; not all bacons are made equal. Streaky bacon is made from pork belly with long fat veins. This is the most popular bacon prepared "American-style.".
Back bacon is made from the pig's loin in the back. Compared to streaky bacon, it is leaner.